

高行云 Sociological理论大缸 2019-09-03


Elder-Vass, Dave. 2007. ‘Reconciling Archer and Bourdieu in an Emergentist Theory of Action’. Sociological Theory 25 (4):325–46.

  Elder-Vass是Loughborough 社会学系的Reader。

或许是2005年以后毕业的(2006年phd),做社会学理论的,英国最受关注的一位。critical realism/emergenitsm一系代表人物,已经出了三本专著了:

The Causal Power of Social Structures( Cambridge University Press, 2011)

The Reality of Social Construction (Cambridge University Press, 2012)

Profit and Gift in the Digital Economy  ( Cambridge University Press, 2016)








1. 布迪厄对惯习是怎么定义的

The conditionings associated with a particular class of conditions of existence produce habitus, systems of durable, transposable dispositions, structured structures predisposed to function as structuring structures, that is, as principles which generate and organize practices and representations that can be objectively adapted to their outcomes without presupposing a conscious aiming at ends or an express mastery of the operations necessary in order to attain them. (Bourdieu 1990b:53)



The dispositions that make up the habitus do not operate in a rule-like fashion, mandating particular specific actions; rather, each disposition provides a “generative capacity” (Bourdieu 1990a:13, 1990b:55),



The habitus, Bourdieu tells us, provides “a spontaneity without consciousness or will” (Bourdieu 1990b:56), and this is typical of his way of presenting the habitus—he frequently (though not always, as we shall see below) neglects the role of conscious thought in both the development and the operation of the habitus.


2. 布迪厄的惯习,到底有没有自主反思、有意识地调整呢?



Crises, of a variety of types, are possible causes of such mismatches ... Such mismatches, gaps between expectation and experience, tend to generate not only a need for conscious deliberation but also a need for modifications to the habitus itself (Bourdieu 2000:149).


(注:之前推送过 “磁滞效应”的概念史、布迪厄式及其拓展的分析,link



In other words, researchers tend to think of “acting agents” as thinking theoretically about the world


3. 如何弥补布迪厄的问题?




第一,接受Jean Searle的观点,从脑—意识的角度入手理解行动;

John Searle, for example, argues that consciousness itself must have neurophysiological causes:



1. 信念形塑——神经网络层面/倾向性层面

belief formation: we develop beliefs and dispositions布迪厄的词) as a result of our experience, which are implemented at the neural level as neural networks;

2. 决策制定——有意识的思考层面+神经网络层面

decision making: we possess the causal power to think consciously about our plans, and make decisions, which are co-determined causally by our thinking powers and the network of beliefs that they work upon;

3. 决策贮藏:重整到神经网络层面,调整原有的倾向性

decision storage: having made decisions, these are stored in our neural networks as new or modified dispositions (note that there may be multiple loops back to Step (2) before an action actually occurs, including the “last minute” conscious review of some of our decisions);

4. 行动执行:在行动的一刻,不再需意识神经网络的自我反思,直接影响执行。

action implementation: our actions are determined directly and immediately by nonconscious brain processes, which use our beliefs, dispositions, and skills as inputs.








